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Open fit hearing aids

Open fit hearing aids, a popular option for their small size and discreetness. If you have always heard of open fit hearing aids, but don't know open fit hearing aid prices/ cost or what they are or whether they might be your best choice, keep reading.

What are Open Fit Hearing Aids?

Open fit hearing aids are mini behind the ear (BTE) hearing aids that are designed to hide behind the outer ear. An open-fit hearing aid is a variation of the behind-the-ear hearing aid with a thin tube or the receiver-in-the-canal or receiver-in-the-ear hearing aid with an open dome in the ear. Sound is transmitted into the ear canal via a thin plastic tube that connects to a tip that sits within the ear canal. This tip does not block the ear canal like traditional hearing aids. The result can be a more natural and open feeling. Air and sound are still allowed to enter the ear naturally, while amplified sound from the hearing aid enters through the tip.

open fit bte hearing aid

Open fit hearing aids are designed for persons with high frequency hearing loss. There are similar models consisting of mini BTE hearing aids and slim tubes but with the speaker or receiver of the hearing aid sitting within the ear canal rather than on the main body of the hearing aid behind the ear.

The picture above is a rechargeable open-fit hearing aid - Cadenza H.

How Does an Open Fit Hearing Aid Work?

An open-fit hearing aid functions in essentially the same way as any other assisted hearing aid device. The hearing aid picks up sounds through a receiver, located either on the main body of the hearing aid or within the ear. This sound is then fed through an amplifier, and then finally sent through a speaker.

Cadenza A open fit bte hearing aid

Coupled with recent advancements in digital feedback suppression (digital intelligent noise reduction), this allows open-fit hearing aids to function with a remarkable level of clarity.

The picture above shows the use of battery open fit hearing aids - Cadenza A.

Is an Open Fit Hearing Aid Right for Me?

In general, open-fit hearing aids are best for individuals with only mild to moderate hearing impairment. In cases of severe hearing loss, an open-fit hearing aid may be subject to feedback due to the high level of amplification required. Open-fit hearing aids are also an excellent choice for anyone suffering from excessive earwax buildup.

Cadenza R open fit bte hearing aid

Older individuals may also find open-fit hearing aids to be problematic, even without severe hearing loss. Their small size means they require a fair amount of dexterity to manipulate and operate. This means that for anyone with any sort of mobility impairment, using an open-fit hearing aid can be an exercise in frustration.

The picture above shows the use of battery open fit hearing aids - Cadenza R.

Advantages and disadvantages of open fit hearing aids

Advantages of open fit hearing aids

  • Open-fit hearing aids don't need for custom fitting and earmolds.
  • Cosmetic appeal and durability
  • Because the ear canal is left open, low-frequency sounds come through with much greater clarity. 
  • Hearing aids that block the ear canal can cause the user to feel their own voice is somewhat distorted or muffled due to the blockage. Open-fit hearing aids do not have this drawback.
  • Given their small size, they tend to be less susceptible to blockages due to earwax. 
  • There is little to no telephone feedback when using an open-fit hearing aid.
  • They can potentially be a good fit for individuals who are somewhat sensitive about their hearing impairment, as they are less immediately noticeable. 

Advantages of open fit hearing aids

Open fit hearing aids have no disadvantages overall. Although open fit hearing aids have many advantages, But for people with severe hearing loss, BTE hearing aids are a better choice.

How much do open fit hearing aids cost?

Cadenza is an OTC hearing aid brand. Our hearing aid prices are very competitive in the market, ranging from tens to hundreds of dollars. If you are a wholesale supplier of hearing aids and want the best open fit bte hearing aid prices/costs list, you can contact us. The price of hearing aids on the market is usually bundled with services that provide continuous assistance in wearing, cleaning, repairing and upgrading. The cost of operating a hearing clinic varies from region to region, so the cost of hearing aids varies greatly.

Wearing a hearing aid for the first time

Getting used to a hearing aid takes time. You'll likely notice that your listening skills improve gradually as you become accustomed to amplification. Even your own voice sounds different when you wear a hearing aid.

Wearing a hearing aid for the first time, keep these points in mind:

  • Hearing aids won't return your hearing to normal. Hearing aids can't restore normal hearing. They can improve your hearing by amplifying soft sounds.
  • Allow time to get used to the hearing aids. It takes time to get used to your new hearing aid. But the more you use it, the more quickly you'll adjust to amplified sounds.
  • Practice using the hearing aid in different environments. Your amplified hearing will sound different in different places.
  • Seek support and try to stay positive. A willingness to practice and the support of family and friends help determine your success with your new hearing aid. You may also consider joining a support group for people who have hearing loss or are new to hearing aids.
  • Go back for a follow-up. Specialists may include the cost of one or more follow-up visits in their fees. It's a good idea to take advantage of this for any adjustments and to ensure that your new hearing aid is working for you as well as it can.

Your success with hearing aids will be helped by wearing them regularly and taking good care of them. In addition, an audiologist can tell you about new hearing aids and devices that become available. He or she can also help you make changes to meet your needs. The goal is that, in time, you find a hearing aid you're comfortable with and that enhances your ability to hear and communicate.